Janelane Says ‘Goodbye To Heartache’ On New Single


On her latest single ‘Goodbye To Heartache’, Janelane singer-songwriter Sophie Negrini leaves the sore relationships of her past with a solemn goodbye. Shinning through tears, Janelane crafts a heavy garage-pop sound with passion and perseverance while still maintaining emotionally jarring lyrics relatable to anyone who’s had a broken heart. We spoke with Janelane about heartbreak, toxic relationships, and how sadness can inspire creativity:

What is ‘Goodbye To Heartache’ about and what experiences did you draw from when writing the song?

“Goodbye to Heartache” is a very candid diary entry about how shameful and embarrassed I felt constantly going after someone I thought I loved, despite knowing deep down he would never commit to me. It’s very interesting to go back and read the lyrics I wrote years ago with a more learned perspective…I was so aware that he was bad for me, yet even after I wrote the song, I still let him take advantage of me for an entire year after. It was such a toxic cycle of him dangling the possibility of a relationship over my head just to get me in bed, then seeing him out in public with his friends or another girl, pretending I didn’t exist...proud to say I would never put up with that shit now, but it makes me sad to think that I did for so long. 

What was the writing process like for you?

I’m pretty sure “Goodbye” was one of those songs I wrote and recorded (the demo with all of the parts) in a day because of how intense I felt. Being passionately sad really gets the creative juices flowing. I definitely cried while writing it, then wiped away the tears and had a field day with all the harmonies and octaves. I love stacking octaves of instrumentation. 

When can we expect that beautiful full length?

I can’t tell you dates yet, but more music is coming really soon. I have another song coming out shortly after this one. I will say, all of the recordings I was working on pre-pandemic (years worth of stuff) is finally seeing the light of day, and I am so excited. It’s time.

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Photos by Natasha Ribeiro-Austrich