Mike Krol’s Christmas Spectacular Makes a Comeback at Highland Park Ebell


After two years of COVID living, LA-based garage rock favorite Mike Krol brought back his annual Sid the Cat Christmas show with support from Oakland shredders Shutups (who rocked so hard they blew a fuse!)

It was all strobe lights, tinsel, and balloons galore as Krol and company dominated the stage, playing hit after hit as the crowd belted every song word-for-word–with such a catchy discography, how could you not? Diehard fans of all ages packed together in celebration, including kids letting loose after a long week of school, their dutiful parents in tow. The packed room itself was a testament to Krol’s staying power and near-universal likeability. To close out the night, Krol performed a Christmas tune with a little help from Santa himself, because good things come to those who wait and those who make the nice list.

Take a peek at some moments from the anything-but-silent night below. Catch us in the pit at the next one!



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