PREMEIRE: Julez and the Rollerz Share Dreamy New Single 'Knocks Me On The Floor'


LA rock n' rollers Julez and the Rollerz released their new single "Knocks Me On The Floor" today, a dreamy and wistful song about being happy exactly where you are.


Singer/guitarist Jules Batterman was inspired by her long term relationship, coming through in heartfelt lyrics like "stay til every season/when you love the place you're in."


"The song's lyrics are more or less about loving the place and situation you’re in and being comfortable with the mundane," Batterman said. "But I mainly wrote it about my long term relationship with my boyfriend of 8 years."

"Knocks Me on the Floor" is a sunny and nostalgic ode to finding joy in the present moment, in loving and being loved, even through the uneventful day to day of a lasting relationship. And although the song is about the mundane, Julez and the Rollerz are anything but.

Words by Lexi McCoy

Photos courtesy of Julez and the Rollerz