Artists Off Stage - Dressy Bessy



Tammy Ealom of Dressy Bessy has been spending time off-stage in Denver, Colorado writing, playing live streams, and being creative ASF


Hey Tammy! If you had to choose any album to describe your mood today, what would it be and why?

I’d have to say (today) Hole - Live Through This. Obviously one of the greatest albums of all time. Perfect balance of anger, vulnerability, tenderness and uncertainty. The album title is totally relatable today.

Without being able play shows, we're asking artists how they've been spending their time during quarantine. What have you been doing to stay sane and busy?

Playing shows! Haha yeah John & I have been live streaming every Wednesday evening as a duo. It’s been a great opportunity for us to revisit songs that have long been rotated out of our sets. We’ve done 7 sessions / 42 songs so far. Great having something to work towards on the weekly.


What are some tips you have for anyone who's using this time to pick up a new instrument or write songs for the first time?

Do what makes you happy. Have fun with it. Don’t feel obligated to create.


Something that has always inspired me about Dressy Bessy is your impressive discography - and it's all timeless and consistently amazing. Do you have any tips for staying inspired with songwriting? 

Honestly this answer is the same as #4 .. :)

Luckily I’ve always gathered inspiration from anger or discontent. Sitting down (or standing up) and writing a song helps me sort my feelings out, lightens the load. There’s def plenty to be pissed about w the current world situation. ;)


What have you been doing for self care during quarantine/any self care tips?

Exercise! Lots of exercise! I love listening to music and jogging! FaceTime dance party sessions w my girlfriends has been key too. Also creativity .. whether it be self portrait-ing , recording new music or trying new makeup techniques for fun. Stay busy.

What are a few songs you've been currently listening to? 

Hole - Doll Parts

Doja Cat - Won’t Bite

Potty Mouth - Bottom Feeder

B52s - Planet Claire

Pavement - Summer Babe

This interview is part of Artists Off Stage - a series of snapshot style interviews and photo-stories highlighting how musicians are spending their time during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All interviews are done remotely as we continue to practice social distancing. For resources and information regarding COVID-19, click here.

Keep up with Dressy Bessy + follow us on Instagram for more Artists Off Stage

Interview by Lexi McCoy